IMD: LC-AV Audio Metadata Extension Schema. IMD contains technical metadata that describes either a digital file or a physical source object. It is based upon metadata elements developed by both LC M/B/RS and NISO. IMD is an interim schema being used until a final extension schema is adopted. IMAGEMD and IMAGESRC both complex types named "imageType" and contain 5 top-level elements and 2 attributes, ID: (XML ID) ANALOGDIGITALFLAG: A major indicator of the type of audio object i.e Analog, PhysDigital, or FileDigital. formatType: The formatType complex type contains technical metadata about the format of an image. It has the following elements: 1. segment: information about the segmentation of the image; 2. planar_configuration: designates how the components of each pixel are stored; 3. orientation: information about the orientation of the image on disk and display.; 4. photometic_interpretation: designates the color space of the image, 0-whiteiszero, 1-blackiszero, 2-RGB. photometric_interpretation: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the color space of an item or portion of an item. 0 = White is zero, 1 = Black is zero, 2 = RGB planar_configuration: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the designation of how the components of each pixel are stored e.g. 1=chunky, 2=planar. fileType: The fileType complex type provides technical metadata about the file properties of an image file. It has the following elements: 1. byte_order: order of bit significance in a byte from left to right; 2. calibration: information about the calibration of the image; 3. checksum: information about the checksum of the image file; 4. compression_frequency: information about the compression of the image file; 5. datetime: information about the key datetimes in the lifecycle of the image file; 6. format_name: 3-character name that corresponds to the standard file extension of the image file; 7. format_version: the version of the format_name; 8. note: miscellaneous information about the image file; 9. security: information about the security applied to the image file; 10. use: information about the use of the image file; 11. watermark: information about the watermark in the image file; byte_order: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the order of bit significance in a byte from left to right i.e. 0-least-to-most, 1-most-to-least. compression: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the type of compression used for a digital image file. format_name: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the official name for the file format taken from the format documentation that corresponds to the standard file extension associated with the image format, e.g. jpg, tiff, bmp, etc.. format_version: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the version of the image format specified in format_name, e.g. for format_name="jpg" format_version="7.0". note: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the miscellaneous information about a digital image file. security: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the type of security used in a digital image file e.g. password, encryption, etc. use: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the use of a digital image file. watermark: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the type of watermark used in a digital image file. physicalType: The physicalType complex type provides technical metadata about the physical properties of an image. It has the following elements: 1. condition: the physical condition of the image object; 2. dimensions:the physical dimensions of the image object; 3. disposition: what has become of the image object; 4. generation: the generation of the image object; 5. note: miscellaneous information about the image file; 6. tracking: information used to track the location of the image object. condition: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the physical condition of an image item. disposition: This is the simple element which provides a place to store what became of an image source item. generation: This is the simple element which provides a place to store the generation of an image source item. note: This is the simple element which provides a place to store miscellaneous information about the image item. e.g. digital alterations or enhancements to improve quality. spatial_metricsType: The spatial_metricsType complex type provides technical metadata about the spatial metrics of an image. It has the following elements: 1. pixels: information about the dimensions of the image in pixels; 2. sampling_frequency: information about the sampling frequency of the image; energeticsType: The energetics complex type provides technical metadata about the pixel characteristics of an image. It has 1 attribute and 4 elements: ID: (XML ID) - sampling: information about sample and pixel size; - color_map: information about the red-green-blue color map (color lookup table); - gray_response: information about the gray response curve; - chromaticities: information about chromaticities. orientationType: Complex Type for recording orientation information about an item or portion of an item. orientationType has 1 attribute and 2 elements. ID: (XML ID) - orientation_disk: orientation of the image on disk; - orientation_display: orientation of the image for display. segmentType: Complex Type for recording information about image segments of an item or portion of an item. segmentType has 1 attribute and 8 elements, ID: (XML ID) - segment_form: specifies whether the image is stored in tiles or strips; - strip_offsets: the byte offset of a strip; - strip_rows: the number of rows per strip; - strip_byte_counts: the number of image data bytes stored within each strip after compression; - tile_width: the tile width in pixels; - tile_height: the tile height in pixels; - tile_offsets: the byte offset of a tile; - tile_byte_counts: the number of image data bytes stored within each tile after compression. calibrationType: Complex Type for recording the type of calibration used for a digital image file. calibrationType has 1 attribute and 3 elements. ID: (XML ID) - image_data: the location of the calibration file if it is external e.g. URN, URL, etc...; - performance_data: Pointer to file with image performance data relative to the target; - profiles: Path to file with ICC color profiles; - target_id: calibration target name, manufacturer, version, etc..; - target_type: identifies the calibration target image as internal to the image file itself or external. checksumType: complexType for recording the type of checksum used for a digital audio file. In most cases, this will be an md5 checksum as this is the only checksum allowed within the METS schema. checksumType has 1 attribute and 3 elements. ID: (XML ID) - checksum_datetime: datetime the checksum was calculated and applied; - checksum_type: the type of checksum used; - checksum_value: the checksum value. pixelsType: Complex Type for recording pixel dimension information about an item or portion of an item. pixelsType has 1 attribute and 2 elements. ID: (XML ID) - pixels_horizontal: the width of the image in pixels; - pixels_vertical: the height of the image in pixels; sampling_frequencyType: Complex Type for recording sampling frequency information about an item or portion of an item. sampling_frequencyType has 1 attribute and 4 elements. ID: (XML ID) - sampling_frequency_horizontal: the number of pixels per sampling frequency unit by width; - sampling_frequency_vertical: the number of pixels per sampling frequency unit by height; - sampling_frequency_unit: the unit of measure for horizontal and vertical sampling frequency; - sampling_frequency_plane: the reference plane location for horizontal and vertical sampling frequency. samplingType: Complex Type for recording sample sizing information for an item or portion of an item. sampleType has 1 attribute and 3 elements. ID: (XML ID) - bits_per_sample: the number of bits per component for each pixel; - samples_per_pixel: the number of color components per pixel; - extra_samples: specifies that each pixel has extra components i.e. Yes or No. color_mapType: Complex Type for recording color map information for an item or portion of an item. color_mapType has 1 attribute and 2 elements. ID: (XML ID) - color_map_location: the location of the color map i.e. Image File, Auxiliary File, Associated File, Embedded Text; - color_map_value: the color map embedded in schema as text. gray_responseType: Complex Type for recording gray response information for an item or portion of an item. gray_responseType has 1 attribute and 3 elements ID: (XML ID) - gray_response_location: the location of the gray response curve i.e. Image File, Aux File, Associated File, Metadata; - gray_response_value: the optical density of each possible pixel value embedded in schema as text; - gray_response_unit: the unit of measure for the gray_response_curve. chromaticitiesType: Complex Type for recording chromaticities information for an item or portion of an item. chromaticitiesType has 1 attribute and 2 elements. ID: (XML ID) - chromaticities_white_point: the white point chromaticity of the effective illumination source; - chromaticities_primary: the chromaticities of the primary colors of the image; dimensionsType: Complex Type for recording the dimensions of an object. dimensionsType has the following attributes: 1. DEPTH: the depth as a floating point number; 2. DIAMETER: The diameter of a circular item as a floating point number; 3. HEIGHT: The height as a floating point number; 4. NOTE: miscellaneous information about the dimensions; 5. UNITS: the unit of measurement; 6. WIDTH: the width as a floating point number. trackingType: Complex Type for recording tracking information about an image source item. trackingType has 1 attribute and 2 elements. ID: (XML ID) - tracking_type: The type of tracking code, e.g., MAVIS number, actual shelf numbers, bar-code, etc.; - tracking_value: Shelf number or other identifier for source, e.g., MAVIS number, actual shelf numbers, etc..