Library of Congress >  Performing Arts Databases > Photograph Enlargement
{ embed_type: 'image', embed_detail: '', embed_alt: 'Bernstein conducts Stravinsky\'s L\'histoire du Soldat at an informal Tanglewood tea party. Serge Koussevitzky - conductor and Bernstein mentor - and his wife Natalie look down from the balcony. The inscription to Helen Coates refers humorously to L\'histoire d\'un éléve - the tale of the student. 1940. (Music Division) [photographs]', thumbnail: { url: '', alt: 'Bernstein conducts Stravinsky\'s L\'histoire du Soldat at an informal Tanglewood tea party. Serge Koussevitzky - conductor and Bernstein mentor - and his wife Natalie look down from the balcony. The inscription to Helen Coates refers humorously to L\'histoire d\'un éléve - the tale of the student. 1940. (Music Division) [photographs]' }, download_links:[ { label:'TIFF Master', link: 'TIFF', meta: 'TIFF' },{ label:'MODS Bibliographic Record', link: 'mods.xml', meta: 'XML' }, { label:'METS Object Description', link: 'mets.xml', meta: 'XML' } ] }

Bernstein conducts Stravinsky's L'histoire du Soldat at an informal Tanglewood tea party. Serge Koussevitzky - conductor and Bernstein mentor - and his wife Natalie look down from the balcony. The inscription to Helen Coates refers humorously to L'histoire d'un éléve - the tale of the student. 1940. (Music Division) [photographs]